「ZIPANG ART EDITION」として生まれ変わリました。
ZIPANG Art Editionは、ZIPANGのプロデューサーを
アートリノベーションした話題の施設「NASU UTOPIA」を舞台に、
ART & MUSIC FESTIVAL「ZIPANG」の新しいプロジェクトとして、アートと音楽で地域活性化をテーマに、
ZIPANG Art Edition is an art festival that will be held from 2022 onwards, with the theme of regional revitalization through art and music. The festival takes place at NASU UTOPIA, a popular resort in the cool highlands of Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture, where a total of 16 contemporary art creators, curated by the producer of ZIPANG, have renovated an abandoned school into a topic of conversation. This festival is a new project of the ART & MUSIC FESTIVAL "ZIPANG".
【 ZIPANG Art Edition 】at NASU UTOPIA -Minosawa Art village-
ZIPANG Art Edition
at NASU UTOPIA -Minosawa Art village
Minosawa Art village
Early bird Ticket → 8,500yen(SOLD OUT)
Entrance Ticket → 10,000yen
Villa → 30,000yen(SOLD OUT)
Tent Ticket → 3,000yen
Domitory → Free
Parking Ticket → 2,500yen
■information( " English is below " )
ロイヤルリゾートとして有名な避暑地、那須高原の廃校を舞台に ART & MUSIC FESTIVAL 「ZIPANG」のプロデューサーをキュレーターに、縁のあるデコレーター/ペインターなど、注目の現代アートのクリエイター総勢16組が、廃校に命を吹き込んだサスティナブルな新しい形の施設【NASU UTOPIA -Minosawa Art village】がこの夏オープンする。
オープニングに先駆けて、同会場にて Art にフォーカスしたプログラムを中心に【ZIPANG Art Edition】を開催!
第一弾ラインナップで発表された ”踊絵師 SAORI KANDA ” の20周年Special Art Performance、CMTによるライフワークプロジェクト“CHAM”のライブセット.。
新たにフルラインナップにクレジットされたのは、東京をベースにインディペンデントな現場を日夜飛び回っている “ AKIRAM-EN ” のディープなリスニングセットに合わせて、VJ “ idealsolution ” による Visual Art Mapping が披露される。
ZIPANG らしい HIP HOP ACT として、大きな盛り上がりをみせる沖縄HIP HOPシーンを牽引してきた AKAZUCHI REC より” RICCHO(RITTO,CHOUJI)”が登場。2MCがサンセットタイムを彩るLIVEをお届けする。
ローカルを代表するアーティストとして、ジャンルレスなオリジナルサウンドを追及し全国で活動する JAMバンド “ digda ” や、宇都宮を拠点に活動し様々なビッグフェスにも出演する “ Katsu Arai ” そして、ZIPANG Resident DJ から “ DJ Yu-Ta ” “ Yukaremix ” “ JAVA ” が特別なロケーションにあわせた Chill Out & Chill Hop Music をセレクションし、真夜中の音楽室に出現するカクテルバーでは、業界屈指のバイナルコレクターBonoboの店主 DJ SEI によるレビュー付きのバイナルDJセットがプレイされる。
会場のデコレーションは「UTOPIA PROJECT」にも参加している “ Samaya Design “ ” Kanoya Project ” “ 大島エレク総業 ” の3組がインストールされ、ZIPANG ART PRODUCER & OFFICIAL PAINTER ‘’ SIGHTRIP ‘’ ‘’ STONE63 ‘’による参加体験型のライブペイントが行われる。また「ZIPANG 2019 at 白浜フラワーパーク」にて横幅60mの巨大プロジェクションマッピングを行った “ idealsolution ” による、校舎壁面全体を使ったマッピングの演出、HIKARIASOBICLUBによる有機的な照明効果など視覚演出にも注目。
■Full Line up
SAORI KANDA 20th Anniversary Special Art Performance with CD HATA
CHAM -live set-
CD HATA -chill out set-
DJ 4号棟
Katsu Arai
DJ Yu-Ta
Samaya Design
Kanoya Project
<UTOPIA Artist providing the work>
R領域 / Kensuke Takahashi / 大島エレク / 富田菜摘 / Saori Kanda/ STONE63 / Samaya Design / Forie / Heaven hug design / Ck13 / Kanoya Project / SIGHTRIP / Shogo iwakiri / Mirrorbowler / Taiki kusakabe / Mountain Shape Film
Villa : 地中海をイメージした室内のVillaは4人宿泊できるラグジュアリースペースに、 バーベキューテラス付きの快適空間。
Tent : テント1張り・タープ1張りにつきテントチケットが1枚必要です。
電車:東京駅→那須塩原駅 70分
仙台駅→那須塩原駅 70分
The location of ZIPANG Art Edition is A summer resort &famous as a royal resort area of NasuPlateau Tochigi Japan The party venue is a very interesting venue that has been Sustainable style Art renovated from a closed school.
16 groups of contemporary art creators curated by ZIPANG producers are exhibiting at this venue. The name of this venue is UTOPIA-Minosawa Art village Utopia is Grand opening this summer.The opening anniversary of the art festival will be held in ZIPANG ART EDITION!!
Enjoy art, music and outdoor activities Have a nice holiday with Retreatment and chill out! !! Big looove from ZIPANG
■Music & Performance
Announced in the first lineup, The 20th anniversary special art performance of "Dance painter SAORI KANDA" and the live set of the life work project "CHAM" by DJ CMT.
The new credit to the full lineup is the visual art mapping by VJ “idealsolution” to match the deep listening set of “AKIRAM-EN”, AKIRAM-EN” is which is flying around the independent site day and night based in Tokyo!!
As a ZIPANG-like Jpanese HIP HOP ACT, 2MC "RICCHO (RITTO, CHOUJI)" has appeared from AKAZUCHI REC OKINAWA JP , which has been leading the Okinawa HIP HOP scene that shows great excitement. We will deliver LIVE that the sunset time!
Introducing 2 groups of Good local artists.
JAM band "digda" who pursues genreless original sound and is active nationwide, and "DJ Katsu Arai" who is based in Utsunomiya city &Tokyo appears in various big festivals.
Then, from ZIPANG Resident DJ, “DJ Yu-Ta”, “Yukaremix” and “Java” will select Chill Out Music according to the special location!!
And cocktail bar that opens in the music room at midnight DJ is the vinyl collector DJ SEI He is the owner of the crazy bar bonobo and collects maniac music!!
The decorationart of the is "Samaya Design", "Kanoya Project" and "Oshima Elec Sogyo", which are also participating in "UTOPIA PROJECT".
Experience-based live painting by ZIPANG ART PRODUCER & OFFICIAL PAINTER "SIGHTRIP" "STONE63".
Featured program Video mapping using the entire wall of the school building by "VJ idealsolution", which was a huge projection mapping with a width of 60m at "ZIPANG 2019 at Shirahama Flower Park"
Also Beautiful colors visual lighting effects such as analog style Livelighting by HIKARIASOBI CLUB.
Villa : The interior Villa, which has the image of the Mediterranean Sea, is a luxury space that can accommodate up to 4 people, and a comfortable space with a terrace where you can have a BBQ.
Tent : One tent is one tent ticket Large tarps are extra and require a more 1 tent ticket.
Domitory:Dormitory space where you can stay for free. Need a mat or sleeping bag
By Car Tohoku highway Nasu Exit to 30 minutes
By train Tokyo Station → Nasu Shiobara Station 70 minutes
Sendai Station → Nasushiobara Station 70 minutes
※Please use the shuttle bus from Nasushiobara Station to the Party venue.